1. Evaluation of Therapeutic Impact
Measure the effect of interventions and treatments on cardiovascular, pulmonary and metabolic health.
2. Detection of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Pathologies
Identify ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and arterial hypoxemia during exercise.
3. Dyspnea and Exercise Limitation Analysis
Determine causes of dyspnea and physical limitation due to cardiac, pulmonary or metabolic factors.
4. VO2 Max and Functional Capacity
Measure maximum oxygen consumption to assess physical condition and plan training.
5. Normal vs. Abnormal Responses to Exercise
Differentiate normal physiological responses from possible abnormalities during exercise.
6. Individualized Training Planning
Create exercise programs tailored to the patient or athlete's ability and tolerance.
7. Differentiation of Causes of Exercise Intolerance
Discriminate between ventilatory, cardiovascular, metabolic or muscular causes of exercise intolerance.
8. Prognostic Assessment in Chronic Diseases
Estimate the prognosis in chronic cardiac or pulmonary diseases and guide therapeutic decisions.